Power Predictive Research with iPSC-derived Epilepsy Models

Translational in vitro models that accurately capture the complexity of epilepsy will advance mechanistic understanding and drug development. Creating these models remains challenging due to the diverse etiologies of epilepsy and the involvement of multiple cell types.

With induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology, we have developed relevant and reliable human epilepsy models. Explore our off-the-shelf engineered iPSCs, induced seizurogenic models, or custom cell lines to build robust "epilepsy-in-a-dish" models that drive basic research, drug discovery, and preclinical development.

Access Reliable Genetically Engineered Epilepsy Models

Fuel reproducible and scalable research

Investigate the impact of epilepsy-associated mutations with reproducible off-the-shelf iCell® GABANeurons. Overcome inter-patient variability and limited sample availability with cells derived from apparently healthy normal (AHN) human iPSCs, offering a dependable platform for modeling epilepsy and other seizure disorders.

Explore Biologically Relevant Engineered Epilepsy Models

Assess the pro-epileptic impact of KCNT1 mutations

The KCNT1 P924L gain-of-function mutation within the sodium-activated potassium channel (Slack, KNa1) is associated with rare epilepsies, including malignant migrating partial seizures of infancy (MMPSI) and autosomal-dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (ADNFLE).

KCNT1 Cell Lines:

Investigate the seizurogenic consequences of SCN1A knockout

Mutations in SCN1A, the gene encoding the alpha subunit of the voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.1, are linked to multiple seizure disorders, including Dravet syndrome (severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy) and genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+).

SCN1A Cell Lines:

Create Relevant and Consistent Induced Seizurogenic Models

Enhance translatability and flexibility with iPSC-derived “epilepsy-in-a-dish” models adopted by neurotoxicity consortiums, including NeuroDeRisk and NeuTox.

Co-culture iCell GlutaNeurons, iCell Astrocytes, and iCell GABANeurons to replicate a functional neural network that reliably models drug-induced seizurogenic responses—a more human-relevant alternative to traditional primary rodent cultures.

Power versatile and scalable high-throughput research

  • Establish a baseline model with iCell GlutaNeurons and iCell Astrocytes
  • Customize inhibitory/excitatory balance by adjusting cell ratios
  • Incorporate iCell GABANeurons engineered epilepsy models
  • Assay network activity by ~21 days in culture
  • Induce seizurogenic activity using compounds

Build Reliable and Translational 3D Neural Spheroids

Advance epilepsy research and drug discovery with iCell Neurospheres, 3D in vitro brain systems that boost the predictive power of cellular models.

Eliminate challenges surrounding model consistency, versatility, and ability to reflect disease phenotypes by generating robust seizurogenic models combining iCell GlutaNeurons, iCell Astrocytes, and iCell GABANeurons.

  • Streamline model creation with off-the-shelf iCell neuronal and glial cells
  • Model epilepsy by incorporating KCNT1 and SCN1A iCell GABANeurons
  • Ensure reproducibility with consistent sphere size and cell type ratios
  • Power high-throughput research with one sphere per well in a 384-well format

Need a custom iPSC-derived epilepsy cell model?

Our team of experts is ready to help you generate custom models to power epilepsy research with your donor cells or our alternate neural cell types.